Getting Started

GRIP has an API for making graph queries using structured data. Queries are defined using a series of step operations.

Install the Python Client

Available on PyPI.

pip install gripql

Or install the latest development version:

pip install "git+"

Using the Python Client

Let's go through the features currently supported in the python client.

First, import the client and create a connection to an GRIP server:

import gripql
G = gripql.Connection("").graph("bmeg")

Some GRIP servers may require authorizaiton to access its API endpoints. The client can be configured to pass authorization headers in its requests.

import gripql

# Basic Auth Header - {'Authorization': 'Basic dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA=='}
G = gripql.Connection("", user="test", password="password").graph("bmeg")

# Bearer Token - {'Authorization': 'Bearer iamnotarealtoken'}
G = gripql.Connection("", token="iamnotarealtoken").graph("bmeg")

# OAuth2 / Custom - {"OauthEmail": "", "OauthAccessToken": "iamnotarealtoken", "OauthExpires": 1551985931}
G = gripql.Connection("",  credential_file="~/.grip_token.json").graph("bmeg")

Now that we have a connection to a graph instance, we can use this to make all of our queries.

One of the first things you probably want to do is find some vertex out of all of the vertexes available in the system. In order to do this, we need to know something about the vertex we are looking for. To start, let's see if we can find a specific gene:

result = G.query().V().hasLabel("Gene").has(gripql.eq("symbol", "TP53")).execute()

A couple things about this first and simplest query. We start with O, our grip client instance connected to the “bmeg” graph, and create a new query with .query(). This query is now being constructed. You can chain along as many operations as you want, and nothing will actually get sent to the server until you print the results.

Once we make this query, we get a result:

  {u'gid': u'ENSG00000141510',
  u'data': {
    u'end': 7687550,
    u'description': u'tumor protein p53 [Source:HGNC Symbol%3BAcc:HGNC:11998]',
    u'symbol': u'TP53',
    u'start': 7661779,
    u'seqId': u'17',
    u'strand': u'-',
    u'id': u'ENSG00000141510',
    u'chromosome': u'17'
  u'label': u'Gene'})

This represents the vertex we queried for above. All vertexes in the system will have a similar structure, basically:

The data on a query result can be accessed as properties on the result object; for example result[0].data.symbol would return:


You can also do a has query with a list of items using gripql.within([...]) (other conditions exist, see the Conditions section below):

result = G.query().V().hasLabel("Gene").has(gripql.within("symbol", ["TP53", "BRCA1"])).render({"gid": "_gid", "symbol":"symbol"}).execute()

This returns both Gene vertexes:

  {u'symbol': u'TP53', u'gid': u'ENSG00000141510'},
  {u'symbol': u'BRCA1', u'gid': u'ENSG00000012048'}

Once you are on a vertex, you can travel through that vertex's edges to find the vertexes it is connected to. Sometimes you don't even need to go all the way to the next vertex, the information on the edge between them may be sufficient.

Edges in the graph are directional, so there are both incoming and outgoing edges from each vertex, leading to other vertexes in the graph. Edges also have a label, which distinguishes the kind of connections different vertexes can have with one another.

Starting with gene TP53, and see what kind of other vertexes it is connected to.

result = G.query().V().hasLabel("Gene").has(gripql.eq("symbol", "TP53")).in_("TranscriptFor")render({"gid": "_gid", "label":"_label"}).execute()

Here we have introduced a couple of new steps. The first is .in_(). This starts from wherever you are in the graph at the moment and travels out along all the incoming edges. Additionally, we have provided TranscriptFor as an argument to .in_(). This limits the returned vertices to only those connected to the Gene verticies by edges labeled TranscriptFor.

  {u'label': u'Transcript', u'gid': u'ENST00000413465'},
  {u'label': u'Transcript', u'gid': u'ENST00000604348'},

View a list of all available query operations here.