Graph Schemas

Graph schemas are themselves an instance of a graph. As such, they can be traversed like any other graph. The schemas are automatically added to the database following the naming pattern {graph-name}__schema__.

Get the schema of a graph

The schema of a graph can be accessed via a GET request to /v1/graph/{graph-name}/schema.

Alternatively, you can use the grip CLI: grip schema get {graph-name}.

Describing graph schemas

There are several methods for describing the schema of a graph.

  # Should the server periodically build the graph schemas?
  AutoBuildSchemas: true
  # How often the server should rebuild the graph schemas. Set to 0 to turn off
  SchemaRefreshInterval: "24h"
  # How many vertices/edges to inspect to infer the schema
  SchemaInspectN: 500
  # Strategy to use for selecting the vertices/edges to inspect.
  # Random if True; first N otherwise
  SchemaRandomSample: true

Example schema

graph: example-graph

- data: {}
 from: Human
 gid: (Human)--starship->(Starship)
 label: starship
 to: Starship
- data: {}
 from: Human
 gid: (Human)--friend->(Human)
 label: friend
 to: Human
- data: {}
 from: Human
 gid: (Human)--friend->(Droid)
 label: friend
 to: Droid
- data: {}
 from: Human
 gid: (Human)--appearsIn->(Movie)
 label: appearsIn
 to: Movie

- data:
   name: STRING
 gid: Movie
 label: Movie
- data:
   length: NUMERIC
   name: STRING
 gid: Starship
 label: Starship
- data:
   name: STRING
   primaryFunction: STRING
 gid: Droid
 label: Droid
- data:
   height: NUMERIC
   homePlanet: STRING
   mass: NUMERIC
   name: STRING
 gid: Human
 label: Human