GraphQL support is considered Alpha. The code is not stable and the API will likely change. GraphQL access is only supported when using the MongoDB driver
GRIP supports GraphQL access of the property graphs. Currently this is read-only access to the graph.
Load built-in example graph
Loading the example data and the example schema:
grip load example-graph
See the example graph
grip dump example-graph --vertex --edge
Sample components of the graph to produce a schema and store to a file
grip schema sample example-graph > test.schema
You may want to edit the schema, but if it seems correct, post it to the server:
./grip schema post --json test.schema
See the graph schema
grip schema get example-graph
Example queries
Get Types:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/graphql" -d '{__schema{types{name}}}' http://localhost:8201/graphql/example-graph
Get Info about Human object
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/graphql" -d '{__type(name:"Human"){fields{name}}}' http://localhost:8201/graphql/example-graph
Get List of all Human ids
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/graphql" -d 'query {Human{id}}' http://localhost:8201/graphql/example-graph
Get Human 1000 and list their friends
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/graphql" -d 'query {Human(id:"1000"){name,friend_to_Human{name}}}' http://localhost:8201/graphql/example-graph