Iteration API

A common operation in graph search is the ability to iterative repeat a search pattern. For example, a ‘friend of a friend’ search may become a ‘friend of a friend of a friend’ search.

In the GripQL language cycles, iterations and conditional operations are encoded using ‘mark’ and ‘jump’ based interface. This operations are similar to using a ‘goto’ statement in a traditional programming language. While more primitive than the repeat mechanisms seen in Gremlin, this pattern allows for a much more simple query compilation and implementation.

Because the mark and jump pattern can be abused for denial of service attacks, ie to create infinite loops, the authorization model will allow this particular set of operations to be turned off for some accounts. This means that queries from unauthorized users that utilize the ‘mark’ or ‘jump’ commands will be rejected by the server without execution. One additional proposed security feature, that is being discussed for in future upgrades, will allow the server to track the total number of iterations a traveler has made in a cycle, and provide a hard cutoff. For example, a user could submit code with a maximum of 5 iterations.

Operation Commands


Mark a segment in the stream processor, with a name, that can receive jumps

jump(dest, condition, emit)

If a condition is true, send traveler to mark. If emit is true, also send a copy down the processing chain. If condition is None, always do the jump.

set(field, value)

Set values within the travelers memory. These values be used to store cycle counts

increment(field, value)

Increment field, ie data[field] = data[field] + value. Can be used to increment counter every cycle

Example queries

q = G.query().V("Character:1").set("count", 0).as_("start").mark("a").out().increment("$start.count")
q = q.has("$start.count", 2))
q = q.jump("a", None, True)