Start a Traversal


Start query from Vertex


Returns all vertices in graph



{"gid" : "vertex1", "label":"TestVertex", "data":{}}


Start query from Edge


Returns all edges in graph



{"gid" : "edge1", "label":"TestEdge", From: "vertex1", To: "vertex2", data":{}}

Traverse the graph

.in_(), inV()

Following incoming edges. Optional argument is the edge label (or list of labels) that should be followed. If no argument is provided, all incoming edges.

.out(), .outV()

Following outgoing edges. Optional argument is the edge label (or list of labels) that should be followed. If no argument is provided, all outgoing edges.

.both(), .bothV()

Following all edges (both in and out). Optional argument is the edge label (or list of labels) that should be followed.


Following incoming edges, but return the edge as the next element. This can be used to inspect edge properties. Optional argument is the edge label (or list of labels) that should be followed. To return back to a vertex, use .in_ or .out


Following outgoing edges, but return the edge as the next element. This can be used to inspect edge properties. Optional argument is the edge label (or list of labels) that should be followed. To return back to a vertex, use .in_ or .out


Following all edges, but return the edge as the next element. This can be used to inspect edge properties. Optional argument is the edge label (or list of labels) that should be followed. To return back to a vertex, use .in_ or .out



Filter elements using conditional statements

G.query().V().has(gripql.eq("_label", "Gene")).has(gripql.eq("symbol", "TP53"))


Conditions are arguments to .has() that define selection conditions

gripql.eq(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable == value

.has(gripql.eq("symbol", "TP53"))

gripql.neq(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable != value

.has(gripql.neq("symbol", "TP53")), value)

Returns rows where variable > value

.has("age", 45)), value)

Returns rows where variable < value

.has("age", 45))

gripql.gte(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable >= value

.has(gripql.gte("age", 45))

gripql.lte(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable <= value

.has(gripql.lte("age", 45))

gripql.inside(variable, [lower_bound, upper_bound])

Returns rows where variable > lower_bound && variable < upper_bound

.has(gripql.inside("age", [30, 45]))

gripql.outside(variable, [lower_bound, upper_bound])

Returns rows where variable < lower_bound || variable > upper_bound

.has(gripql.outside("age", [30, 45]))

gripql.between(variable, [lower_bound, upper_bound])

Returns rows where variable >= lower_bound && variable < upper_bound

.has(gripql.between("age", [30, 45]))

gripql.within(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable is within provided values

.has(gripql.within("symbol", ["TP53", "BRCA1"]))

gripql.without(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable is not within provided values

.has(gripql.within("symbol", ["TP53", "BRCA1"]))

gripql.contains(variable, value)

Returns rows where variable contains value

.has(gripql.in_("groups", "group1"))


{"data" : {"groups" : ["group1", "group2"]}}


.has(gripql.and_( [gripql.lte("age", 45), gripql.gte("age", 35)] ))


.has(gripql.or_( [...] ))


.has(gripql.not_( [...] ))



Store current row for future reference



Output previously marked elements

G.query().V().mark("a").out().mark("b").select(["a", "b"])


Limit number of total output rows



Start return after offset


.range(start, stop)

As results are iterated return objects starting with lower index As traversers propagate through the traversal, it is possible to only allow a certain number of them to pass through with range()-step (filter). When the low-end of the range is not met, objects are continued to be iterated. When within the low (inclusive) and high (exclusive) range, traversers are emitted. When above the high range, the traversal breaks out of iteration. Finally, the use of -1 on the high range will emit remaining traversers after the low range begins.

G.query().V().range(5, 15)


Select which vertex/edge fields to return or exlucde. Operation with no arguments exlcudes all properties. “gid”, “label”, “from” and “to” are included by default.

O.query().V("vertex1").fields("symbol")     # include only symbol property
O.query().V("vertex1").fields("-symbol")    # exclude symbol property
O.query().V("vertex1").fields()             # exclude all properties


Render current selection into arbitrary data structure



Aggregate fields in the returned edges/vertices.

Aggregation Types

.gripql.term(name, field, size)

Return top n terms and their counts for a field.

G.query().V().hasLabel("Person").aggregate(gripql.term("top-names", "name", 10))

Counts name occurences across Person vertices and returns the 10 most frequent name values.

.gripql.histogram(name, field, interval)

Return binned counts for a field.

G.query().V().hasLabel("Person").aggregate(gripql.histogram("age-hist", "age", 5))

Creates a histogram of age values with bins of width 5 across Person vertices.

.gripql.percentile(name, field, percents=[])

Return percentiles for a field.

G.query().V().hasLabel("Person").aggregate(gripql.percentile("age-percentiles", "age", [25,50,75]))

Calculates the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles for age values across Person vertices.

.gripql.gripql.field(“fields”, “$._data”))

Returns all of the fields found in the data structure. Use $._data to get a listing of all fields found at the root level of records.

gripql.type(name, field)

Returns the data type of requested field. For the python client, if field is not provided, it is copied from name. Current returned types include NUMERIC, STRING and UNKNOWN. If a field is always null, or has multiple types, it will be returned as UNKNOWN.


Return the total count of returned edges/vertices.


Only return distinct elements. An array of one or more fields may be passed in to define what elements are used to identify uniqueness. If none are provided, the gid is used.